Tuesday, March 31, 2009

hehehehehee... >:D

sabtu lepas mmg kitorg g subang... dh g sana mcm2 plak hal nye... xleh nk settle gak... de bdk tu, kononnye nk g awal... 8.30 pg... hujung mgu... biasala kan.. rajin plak aku bgn awal ritu... skali 8.30 aku dh siap tgu... dekat sejam la aku tgu...9.30 lebih bru dtg...ish3...patut ke die wat camtu??? sian kat aku n ina yg tgu berjam-jam kt bwh tu... kih3...kan ina kan...
last2 kul pe kitorg g subang... kul 1 lebih... sblum tu merayap dlu konon nye nk g bli souvenir tuk survey...last2 pe jd...dh tau kan... hahahahahaaaaa...
sape pye idea ntah...

satu pembetulan...ne de aku mkn... abih sape yg dok membungkus souviner korg kat blkg???? x kan ina kot...hahahahahaha... die tu yg kuat mkn sebenarnye... aku tolong abihkan je...x bek membazir...kih3...

and satu lg...
tiga tahun ko kenal aku...nama aku pun ko salah eja...

P/S: nak aku masukkan no. matrix ko skali ke???

yg tu citer sabtu lepas pye...
rini (selasa) kitorg g lg... cam biasa la...mslh len plak...tp bih kurang same je... kene la g lg jumaat ni... silap ari bulan... org kt situ leh kenal muke kitorg.. asek2 kitorg je... harap2 jumaat ni leh setel la... jgn la de mslh lg...

k la...
sampai di sini saja nukilan hamba buat kali ni...
skema sgt la plak...

anneonghi gye sib shio...

yang menulis,

meh..aku plak tulis

jari sapekah yg paling cantik?? atas/kiri/knn??

aku bab mengarang2 ni mmg no 1 la..no 1 palng aku tak suke..mane tak nyer, aku da wat ayat power2, org kate ayat aku cam ayat budak sek aje..wow...adakah itu pujian ??hahahha

aku nk siapkan thesis aku (baru bab awal2) hehehhe tgh smangat nk wat nieh, rupenyer ape yg aku da tulis ritu delete..hohoh..ini yg melemahkan semangat gue

sok kte orag nk g subang!! aku da tau satu jalan dekat..hr tu kteorg g 1 jam..ni kwn aku kate 1/2 jam aje..klu sesat bukan salah aku..salah informer aku tuh!! n salah kira sbb die asik makan aje time aku driving kan..pastu salah ina..sbb die asik menyanyi je dlm kete..klu suare sdap membantu la gak..kah kah kah...

meh sini nk upload kan gambar yg kteorg g subang sbtu lalu..gambar dak2 cun terutamanyer yg pkai baju itam tu...hehheheh....anak sape la tuh..

sblm g subang kene la isi perut dulu..sblm tu beli gelang n cincin..tgh nk pilih cincin tuh, ada la sorang makhluk ni jatuhkan cincin..terbongkok2 sume nk cari cincin yg jatuh tuh..ina, ko ckp sikit sape makhluk tuh..klu nk tau, die ada la makhluk yg bernama syakirah syakirah...

nape gambar2 yg aku upload die tarok atas ek?? aku nk tarok kat bawah..gambar plak bley tarok satu-satu aje....ini namenyer aku tak reti..so, keje ina, edit cantik2 yeee...

~~aini alia yg baek dari ina n kira~~

Sunday, March 29, 2009

take ur time... (",)

WoRk wHiLe YoU wOrK...
And pLaY WhiLe yOu pLaY...
tHis tHe wAy..
tO bE HaPPy aNd gAy...
Q. What did the elf use to make him taller?
A. He used elf raising flour.
What did the traffic light say to the car?
Don't look, I'm changing.
How do you catch a squirrel?
Climb up a tree and act like a nut.
Teacher: Give me a sentence with the word 'analyze' in it.
Pupil: My sister Anna lies in bed until nine o'clock.
Who was the first underwater spy?
James Pond.
What dog smells of onions?
A hot dog.
Why did the orange stop rolling down the hill?
It ran out of juice.
What type of fish performs surgical operations?
A sturgeon.
Q: What did they award the man that invented the door knocker?
A: The No-bell Prize.
What do you call a poster advertising the last teddy for sale?
A one ted poster.
Q: What do you call a box of ducklings?
A: A box of quackers.
What's the hardest key to turn?
A donkey.
Did you hear about the cement truck that crashed into the prison bus?
They ended up with a bunch of hardened criminals.
What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No idea.
What is the most popular sentence at school?
I don't know.
Q: How does a male octopus ask a female octopus to marry him?
A: Can I have your hand, your hand, your hand, your hand ...
My brother said, 'Mum, I'm feeling sick as a dog.'
My mum said, 'Hang on, I'll call the vet.'
My brother saw a witch riding on a broomstick.
He said, 'What are you doing on that?'
The witch said, 'My best friend's got the vacuum cleaner.'
My uncle said, 'I wonder what'll happen if I feed gunpowder to my chickens?'
I said, 'You'll probably get an eggsplosion.'
This girl cannibal took her boyfriend home to meet her mum.
She said, 'Mum, what do you think of him?'
Her mum said, 'Lovely dear. He looks good enough to eat.'
My mum said to my uncle, 'What's got four legs and flies?'
My uncle said, 'Don't tell me, the horse is dead.'

Saturday, March 28, 2009

turn aku menulis.... >:D

AnYwHeRe BuT...


anneong haseyo...
pan gab sib ni da..

dh tbe turn aku plak nk wat excercise jari... bukan pe, ritu xde pe nk tulis (sumer ina conquer)...hehehe...

nk tulis pe ek???
sebenarnye aku ni x la minat sgt nk wat blog, aku suke baca blog org je, tp bla pikir 2 3 4 kali, rase cam best plak... hehehe.. idea nk share 1 blog 3 org ni dh lama dpt, cume x sempat nk kemukakan kat lg dua org tu je... kih3... akhirnye terkuar gak idea ni... tuk kitorg je la... x tau la kalo dh de org len yg dh wat... aku mksdkan tuk kitorg je... hahahahaha...

kalo nk harapkan aku wat sesorg blog ni... jgn harap lah... aku ni mls sket... at least kalo aku x wat something pun kat blog ni, masih de lg 2 org yg akan wat kan... hehehe.. satu lg bab nk cantikkan blog, kalo suh aku mmg hampeh la...sebab tu la aku ajk wat blog ni ramai2... de la sorg member aku ni, leh kata terer gak la bab edit-mengedit ni... so, pe lg... terpaksa ar mempergunakan die... x sket pun byk la... hahahahahahaaaa...(nape rase cam tumbuh tanduk je...hehehehe...)

( P/S: ina... bab cantikkan blog aku serah kat ko je la, nati kalo ko dh terer giler2 bru ajar aku... so, x yah la nk susahkan ko lg. kah3... >:D)

nk ckp pe lg ek???
rasenye dh xde pe kot... skang ni turn yg lg sorg la plak tulis...kalo die x tulis gak, mmg x tau nk ckp pe ar... tp aku nk ckp gak... " ko mmg ar..." kah3..

(P/S: aini... turn ko plak...huhuhu)


ki =n_n= ra

My Page Pet

pYzam Page Pets
FreeFlashToys Page Pets

Thursday, March 26, 2009

baru buat blog..hehe (26 mac 2009)

ina,aini dan kira..hehe..masa ni kul 2.42..sebelum kelas ekologi..haha..sepatutnya nak masukkan data dalam spss..tp memperdajalkan pc lab nak buat blog..hehe..buat sekali untuk 3 org..nilah hasilnya..nanti esok2 baru edit cantik2.. >:D -ina-

"aku taknak taip" -bak kata aini..

"nothing to say (ina yang poyo ni)" -kira